Saturday’s your last chance to catch Jennifer R A Campbell’s awesome hyper-realistic work!
This weekend’s cool events along the Route 1 Corridor include: Hyattsville Summer Jam, Spring Harvest Workshop in Edmonston, Auction at Greenwood, Prince George’s Philharmonic in College Park, Hyattsville Historic House Tour, Diva Cycling Workshop, House Music Dance Party and more!
Bike to Work Day
Give your car a break, get to work on bike! Pit stops across the Delmarva, chances to win prizes and fuel up with food and beverages.
When: 6:30-8:30am
Where: Locations throughout area
Cost: Free!, register here
Jennifer R A Campbell: Roman Holiday (All Ages)
Last chance to catch this amazing artist and her hyperrealistic art! (Exhibit closes Saturday.) A visual feast of symbols representing the chaotic world and various elements that inform the ways we interact with them.
When: 10am-4pm
Where: Brentwood Arts Exchange, Brentwood
Cost: Free!
Hyattsville’s Summer Jam Series!
We love Summer Jam and it’s a family-friendly event! Outdoors, live music, food, beer, good people.
When: 6:30-8:30pm
Where: City Municipal Bldg, 4310 Gallatin Street, Hyattsville
Cost: Free!
2019 Jazz Series at the Meadworks
Enjoy jazz in an intimate setting while sipping on a glass of meade. It’s Friday, baby!
When: 7-10pm
Where: Maryland Meadworks, Hyattsville
Cost: Free, food & beverage available for purchase
Spring Harvest Workshop
Take a tour of Eco City Farm, see what’s in season, explore ways to prepare local produce, make a dressing to take home and enjoy your veggies! Contact them in advance if you have food allergies.
When: 1:30-3pm
Where: ECO City Farm, 4913 Crittenden Street, Edmonston
Cost: $15
Making Natural Handcrafted Skincare Products
Let this local green company show you how to make your own natural skin-care products. You’ll take a few products home, made with their organic teas, flowers, and herbs!
When: 2-5pm
Where: Community Forklift Nonprofit Reuse Warehouse, Edmonston
Cost: $10, buy tickets here
House on the Waterfront Weekender presents Rep Ya House!
Picnic tables with umbrellas, and of course polka dot art! Before construction on the park begins this fall, enjoy some house music outdoors and wear your house music gear to represent!
When: 4-10pm
Where: Polka Dot Park, Hyattsville
Cost: $8
Cook Up and Create
Come enjoy great singing, conversation and painting! Great minds will meet to create a piece of work together. Everyone is invited whether you paint or just sit back and enjoy the vibe. Bring your own materials.
When: 5-9pm
Where: Gateway Media Arts Lab, 331 Rhode Island Avenue, Mount Rainier
Cost: $10
2019 Fiesta de Greenwood
One ticket buys unlimited food, drink, and fun! So much to bid on in a festive environment. Proceeds go towards daycare tuition assistance for families. Register in advance, space is limited! Let the bidding wars begin!
When: 5-9pm
Where: Greenwood School, 6525 Belcrest Road G80 & 90, Hyattsville
Cost: See ticket prices here
Prince George’s Philharmonic Season Finale (All Ages)
53 years of philharmonics, 60 years of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Prince George’s County! Classical musical performances accompanied by a multimedia show of dramatic images from NASA.
When: 7:30pm
Where: Dekelboum Concert Hall, The Clarice
Cost: $25+
2nd Sole @ New Deal Cafe
An eclectic mix of covers from greats like The Who, Stone Temple Pilots, Talking Heads, Bruce Springsteen, U2 and more played by a group of music veterans.
When: 8:30-11:30pm
Where: New Deal Cafe, 113 Centerway, Greenbelt
Cost: Free, food & beverage for purchase
Greenbelt Farmers Market
Great farmers market offering Zeke’s coffee and other ready to eat food vendors: crepes + tacos, indonesian, a grand bakery, other specialty baked goods, along with fantastic fresh food vendors with great vegetables and fruit all grown locally, meat and eggs.
When: 10am-2pm
Where: 25 Crescent Rd, Greenbelt
Cost: No entry fee
Our Symphony With Animals: On Health, Empathy, and Our Shared Destinies
A thought-provoking book talk about the benefits of protecting animals for both humans and animals. Discussion led by a neurologist and preventive medicine public health specialist.
When: 11:30am-2pm
Where: New Deal Cafe, 113 Centerway, Greenbelt
Cost: Free, food and beverage for purchase
40th Historic Hyattsville House Tour
Welcome! Come inside and tour several historic and other homes in Hyattsville. Ticket includes a booklet with a map. A long-standing tradition, enjoy your tour!
When: 1-5pm
Where: Hyattsville Municipal Building, 4310 Gallatin Street, Hyattsville (starting point)
Cost: $15 in advance, $20 at the door
Sunday Scholar Brunch May 2019
Have late afternoon brunch with a local scholar. Discuss the changing landscape of higher education and historically black colleges and universities.
When: 2-5pm
Where: PGAAMCC, North Brentwood
Cost: $25
College Park Chorale Spring Concert (All Ages)
A free concert performed by the College Park Chorale and Chamber Singers. Donations appreciated in support of the chorale chambers.
When: 3-4pm
Where: University of Maryland Chapel, 7744 Regents Drive, College Park
Cost: Free!
Diva Cycling Workshop (Women Only)
Attention ladies! This event is just for you. Learn all about bikes and what to carry in your bike bag. Share some snacks and get updates on biking topics for the ladies.
When: 6:15-9pm
Where: Proteus Bicycles, College Park
Cost: Free, must register in advance here
Throw Some Boomerangs!
Join the Boomerang Sports Club of the DMV as they throw boomerangs! Anyone can come and throw (there’ll be extra boomerangs for everyone to throw. (Not kid-friendly as boomerangs (especially wooden ones) can be dangerous, per coordinator.)
When: 6:30pm
Where: Colmar Manner Community Park (off of Bladensburg Rd)
Cost: Free
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Hyattsville’s own super/Fun Swing Set -featuring Dana Grabiner, Joe Atkins, Sam Atkins and Pete McEvoy, performing live at Maryland Meadworks Saturday night 5/18 from, 7-10pm, no cover!
Hah “super-fun” as an adjective is what I meant—band name is “Swing Set”