A new organization – Route 1 Mask Match – was just created to help match handmade cloth masks to community members in the Route 1 Corridor and help flatten the curve of COVID-19 in the community. Read on for more information on how you can be a part of this great effort to make more masks for our local communities and/or how you can request a mask for yourself!
Route 1 Mask Match
From press release: “A simple cloth mask is an effective tool in helping to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, but not everyone can make their own. Route 1 Mask Match (www.Route1MaskMatch.org) is a local volunteer effort to get cloth masks into the hands of vulnerable people to help flatten the curve.
Route 1 Mask Match gives local crafters a way to put their skills to use helping vulnerable people and those who must interact with large populations in the Route 1 communities, from Mount Rainier to Beltsville.
“Seniors groups up and down the corridor have already placed immediate requests for more than 50 masks,” said Lissa Bell, one of the organizers of the effort. “There is a great need for volunteers in the area to make these simple masks that will help save lives.”
Route 1 Mask Match has established mask depots in Hyattsville and College Park with more depots to come, where crafters can safely drop off completed masks, spare fabric, and other mask-making supplies. All donated masks will be distributed to local vulnerable people in a way that respects social distancing and safe interactions.
For more information about the project, including information about making masks or to request a mask, visit www.Route1MaskMatch.org and follow Route 1 Mask Match on Facebook. Priority for mask requests will go to seniors and other vulnerable people with health conditions and their caregivers, as well as grocery workers, health care providers, and other essential workers.
“There are many ongoing efforts to make cloth face masks to help flatten the curve,” said Bell, “Route 1 Mask Match is focused on the needs of those at risk in our local communities, as well as making sure people know how to properly wear and use their masks.”
The CDC now recommends that everyone wear cloth face masks while outside of the home together with social distancing techniques to slow the spread of the coronavirus and COVID-19, the disease it causes. As of April 7, the Maryland Department of Health reports more than 1,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Prince George’s County and 26 deaths. Cloth masks are effective because they reduce the risk of transmitting virus-carrying droplets, which can be spread long before a person realizes they are infected.”
More COVID-19 Community Resources
- Don’t forget – these local grocery stores offer special shopping hours for our older friends and those with compromised immune systems.
- And these local pharmacies now offer free 1-2 day delivery of your prescription medications.
- Fun, FREE kids activities? Mandy’s bursting with ideas here.
- One-Stop Shop guide to educational resources during these times? UMD’s COViD-19 Family Resource Guide is very helpful.
- Need some sunshine today? Check out the latest Furry Friends of Route 1 – featuring University Park’s Ollie and Masha.
- Need a break from coronavirus info? Read up on Lakeland, the Historic African American Community of College Park.
- Here’s a list of local businesses providing alcohol-delivery and curbside pickup near the Route 1 corridor.
- Thought it was too late to get a library card? No worries! You can get a PGCMLS Virtual Library card today! Audiobooks, music, movies galore!
- Here’s a way you can help our local baristas, bartenders, servers who are out of work right now: SoHy Co-op Virtual Tip Jar.
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[…] we shared in this post about Route 1 Mask Match here, this local effort is a place to both donate and request homemade face masks. Priority for mask […]