It’s the morning which means it’s Route One Fun’s Grocery Store Update time! Where our morning shoppers at?! Drop a comment below letting your Route 1 friends and neighbors know what you see at the grocery stores along the Route 1 corridor. Produce? Meat? Dairy? TP? Cleaning supplies? Ppl keeping their distance? Do tell! 🙏🏻 Your insight will help the rest of us figure out where to go/not go – and less time at places where you don’t need to be = less risk of exposure to coronavirus. Let’s keep doing our part to help each other out! 🙌
More COVID-19 Resources
Thought it was too late to get a library card? No worries! You can get a PGCMLS Virtual Library card today! Audiobooks, music, movies galore!
Here’s a way you can help our local baristas, bartenders, servers who are out of work right now: SoHy Co-op Virtual Tip Jar.
Also, please know that these stores provide seniors-only and immunocompromised-only shopping hours. (Just updated to include the Greenbelt Co-op Supermarket and Pharmacy.)
Also, here’s a list of local businesses providing alcohol-delivery and curbside pickup near the Route 1 corridor.
I went to Whole Foods at about 7:30 am today during their Senior shopping hour. The store wasn’t crowded, supplies were mixed (very good in produce and fish, good in dairy, some meat, some flour,some rice, little pasta and canned tomato, basically no paper products and sanitizer), but the lines at the cash registers were long and most shoppers had full carts, including me. By 8am most lines had cleared. Next time I would go closer to 8am.
Thanks, Anke!
Rachel Lynn shares: “as of 10am, Moms in College Park has produce, eggs, dairy and decent amount of meat. Bulk foods well stocked. Out of TP, flour. Restocking canned goods and pasta. Lots of social distancing.”
There were corn tortillas at Riverdale WF this morning.
Thanks for chiming in and helping, Amy!
If anyone sees corn tortillas, could you please post where they are? We have been unable to find at Safeway the last times we went and we are trying to limit our grocery trips to once every 7-10 days and to one store only. Thanks!!
Hi Sarah!
Found plenty of corn tortillas this morning at Giant – 7546 Annapolis Rd Lanham, MD 20784.
Just to warn you, no milk, eggs, cheese, water and paper goods.
Best of luck and stay safe!
Thanks for helping with the search, Erlinda!
Annliese shares: “Costco DC is OUT of Lysol, wipes, Charmin, paper towels , baby wipes and bleach.”
Just went to Target at PG Plaza, no wipes, nearly out of paper towels and toilet paper at 8:20 am.
Judy D shares: “ Went to Aldi in Hyattsville this morning during their Tues/Thursday Senior shopping 8:30-9:30. About 12 people in line at 8:20. Had plenty of toilet paper and paper towels (limit 2 in any combination) and chicken as well as everything else I needed.”