You all are fantastic! Helping neighbors out with recs for special items like strawberries, tofu and TP! 🙌 Let me know if you have any special requests for today. Happy to update this post to include. 🥦 In the meantime, share what y’all see / don’t see out there. 🙌

Stacie C shares: “MOM in CP had paper towels when we were there on Friday. There was a limit but it was nice to see them on the shelves.”
Frances AB shares: “Good morning
I went to Aldi on Saturday and there was TP, paper towels, oatmeal, cereal, bread and water in other words it was pretty stocked. Its best to go early like 9ish there will be a line outside but it moves quickly. The employees disinfect the carts before giving it to you, which is greatly appreciated with everything that’s going on right now.”
Valerie F shares: “As of this morning…
Produce: Yes and WF are well stocked.
TP and PT: very little so probably gone by now at WF, but there are lots at Yes however they are really limiting allowed amount.”
Lisa W shares: “Yesterday went to CVS on E/W Hwy near PG Plaza metro. Good inventory of coke products (on sale), sold out of Suavitel fabric softener on sale; no tp. At store in College Park was able to get fabric softener and nutrition bars on sale.”