🥦 🧻 🥕 Grocery Store Update time, folks! More requests for toilet paper, eggs, dairy, sanitizing wipes and gels. (On that note, YES! Organic Market in Hyattsville got a big delivery yesterday so perhaps check with them re TP?) Seems like produce inventory is stabilizing, which is great! If searching for any other items, please let us know and enter your query in the comments.
This community is terrific and quick to help all out with their insights! ❤️ Thank you, all! I’ll continue to do these posts until things stabilize at the stores. 🤗
Need Assistance with Grocery Deliveries?
Many thanks to Jen W. for sharing this flyer with us!
Local Route 1 COVID-19 Resources
Parents! One-stop-shop for educational resources, thanks to the great team at UMD’s School of Public Health!
Need some sunshine today? Check out our new series: Furry Friends of Route 1! Debut post featuring Hyattsville’s Maggie & Pearl!
Please know that these stores provide seniors-only and immunocompromised-only shopping hours. (Just updated to include more local stores.)
Here’s a list of local businesses providing alcohol-delivery and curbside pickup near the Route 1 corridor.
Thought it was too late to get a library card? No worries! You can get a PGCMLS Virtual Library card today! Audiobooks, music, movies galore!
Here’s a way you can help our local baristas, bartenders, servers who are out of work right now: SoHy Co-op Virtual Tip Jar.
King Arthur flour was available at the Target this morning – bread and AP
Thanks, Julie! That’s one item I KNOW folks have been looking for! 🙂
As of 9:30am today, Yes Hyattsville has TP and sanitizer (only wipes, not gel).
Paige4287 shares: ‘No TP at Safeway or Giant on East West Highway this morning. Both had decent amount of produce and meat. Some paper towels still left too.”
Tomboy614 shares: Found TP at Trader Joes in NOMA, DC