It’s Route One Fun’s Grocery Store Update time! You know the drill – but just in case: If you’re going grocery store shopping today, please leave a comment below with what you see/don’t see (extra eyes for toilet paper, meats, and notes on how well folks are keeping their distance).
Doing so helps yr neighbors decide where to go/not go, thus reducing unnecessary exposure to other vectors (such as you and me). On any other occasion, know that we’d all happily spend our time together. 😊
More COVID-19 Resources
Thought it was too late to get a library card? No worries! You can get a PGCMLS Virtual Library card today! Audiobooks, music, movies galore!
Here’s a way you can help our local baristas, bartenders, servers who are out of work right now: SoHy Co-op Virtual Tip Jar.
Also, please know that these stores provide seniors-only and immunocompromised-only shopping hours. (Just updated to include the Greenbelt Co-op Supermarket and Pharmacy.)
Also, here’s a list of local businesses providing alcohol-delivery and curbside pickup near the Route 1 corridor.
MOM this morning had lots of lovely produce, freshly baked breads. They were in the process of restocking the meats when I was there, but I was able to buy chicken and trout. Mostly well stocked on other items, except slim on flour/baking supplies, some kinds of canned beans, and I didn’t see much in the way of paper products. Fairly crowded for earlier Friday morning, but everyone was respectful of social distancing. One of the employees helping with the bagging seemed to be answering calls from people who were asking about what might be in stock, so if you’re looking for something specific, you could try calling ahead.
Thank you, Ann!
Anyone have recommendations on finding Extra Strength Tylenol (Acetaminophen) and cold/flu medications? Are the CVS and Walgreen’s stores stocked? Grocery stores still have either?
I’ve heard the Walgreens on Route 1 by Queensbury is well-stocked. Might try there!
Rayndoodle shares: “Yes organic market this morning had plenty of eggs, fresh meats (chicken, beef etc) and fresh produce. Low on many dairy products, didn’t see any butter but also didn’t look very hard. No yeast. Plenty of most dry goods, some canned goods. No TP.”
CMgolden shares: “Whole Foods Riverdale pretty well stocked! Meats in low supply, but ample eggs, plant based milks, tofu (no tempeh), spaghettis, rices, beans, etc. Pleasantly surprised!”
Cdavismurph shares: “CVS below the Cambria Hotel: well-stocked, did have toilet paper, and was very empty of customers which made the shopping much less stressful. Whole Foods in Riverdale was well stocked with fresh produce but was quite crowded at 8:30am.”
Aldi in Hyattsville: fully stocked at 9a (TP, meat, dairy, etc) but NO Clorox wipes. Limited cleaning supplies.
Busy, lots of folks.
Safeway: NO cleaning supplies or TP/paper products. Didn’t look for anything else.
Not busy at all around 9:30a.
Thank you!
Alison R notes: “Whole Foods is stocked well in fresh foods, meat, eggs, milk and bulk stuff, adding canned goods, rice, etc. Still no TP, cleaners. They’ve also drawn great lines in the store to remind ppl to keep distance!”
Not sure if you’ve seen, Alison, but the vacuum store in Hyattsville has TP and cleaning supplies. And they’re open! Sharing just in case you’re in need.
Anne B shares: “I meant to post that as of yesterday, the Giant on EW Highway in Hyattsville had sparse TP, lots of milk (all varieties), lots of eggs and bread, very little meat, no sweet potatoes and LOTS of flour (including the good King Arthur white and whole wheat varieties).”
Maria P shares (this is from yesterday, but sounds like YES! Organic Market in Hyattsville is well-stocked): “We mainly shop at Glut—right now they are very low on bulk dried beans. No beans at Whole Foods, either. Yes Market in Hyattsville, amazingly, is fully stocked in both the bulk section and packaged/canned beans. They have a lot of other items as well including rice and flour.”
Hyattsville Vacuum Service at 5219 Baltimore Ave. in Hyattsville had toilet paper and cleaning supplies. And they are open. Park out back.
Golden! Thank you, Amy, for the info!
Christian J shares: “at Greenbelt Giant now. not crowded at all at 7am. Some milk, just no gallons of whole milk. (thank goodness they had my unsweetened soy milk in stock. not a given.) sparse selection of meat. Also low on soap. No TP on the shelves. They were restocking bread as I went through that aisle. I got everything I needed in a short amount of time. only 2 cashiers at 8am so a little bit of a line but not bad.”