The Hyattsville Zombie Run is back in all its in-person ghoolishness, friends!! Saturday, October 16th is the date when registrants will run, walk, skip along a great course with neighbors costumed as zombies, unicorns, pumpkins – and some even as themselves! – at this wonderful fundraiser for our local schools! Can’t do in-person? There’s a virtual option, too!
Want to be a part of the action? Good call! Register here today and then share the link with your network! We always have a great time seeing the fun costumes and running for a good cause (sometimes with our children on our backs…)!

Throwback to 2019 Hyattsville Zombie Run. Photo by Juliette Fradin Photography.
More from the Hyattsville Elementary School PTA on this fun event, below:
Hyattsville Zombie Run
Calling all Zombie Runners! The 6th annual Hyattsville Zombie Run is ON, and we couldn’t be more excited. We hope you will join us again this year for a fun race and to support our local schools.
Register here:
Please note that we will continue to follow all city, county, state and federal public health guidance and will send more information as it is available. For now, we continue to recommend wearing a mask inside and when you can’t social distance, and get vaccinated if you haven’t already!
Please visit here for more information about how to get vaccinated.
In-Person and Virtual Options
For now, you have two great options: (1) In person Option: Join us in Hyattsville’s Driskell Park on Saturday October 16!; (2) Virtual Option: Register for the race, pick up your t-shirt and run! You can run anywhere, anytime between October 16 and October 30! After your run, report your time on the race registration website.
Thank you for supporting HES and your local schools! Can’t wait to see you on race day!
Matt Gembecki,
Hyattsville Zombie Run Race Director
How much does the race cost? Registration for our 5k is $30 and registration for our 1 mile and 1k is $15. There is a family discount of $5 off each race if you register 4 or more runners, as well as a discount if the same person signs up for more than one race!! All proceeds support Hyattsville Elementary School PTA.
How do I get my race t-shirt? Pick up your t-shirt at Driskell Park on Friday, October 15th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm. Please wear a mask at pick up!
I don’t want to run, but I want to support the racers and the schools. What can I do? You can donate! You can donate to Hyattsville Elementary School, other local schools, or to a specific racer. 100% of donations to other schools will go to those schools’ PTA/PTO or directly to the school.
To donate to a local school, select one from here: Hyattsville Zombie Run Select a Charity
To donate to a specific runner, see the list of racers who have created individual fundraiser pages here: Hyattsville Zombie Run Individual Fundraiser Pages
You can also volunteer! Please touch base with us at to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
I don’t live in Hyattsville. Can I still run this virtual race? Yes! Register as usual for the race–just please add $3.00 as a donation for postage when you make your order. Then email us at to let us know that you’d like your t-shirt mailed to you.
I have a question that isn’t answered here. Who do I contact? Send us an email at
Thanks for helping us get the word out!!
You’re welcome! We love the Hyattsville Zombie Run!