Community Post from Hyattsville’s Tired Parents:
Unsure how to have convos about gun safety with your kids? There’s a Hyattsville community group for that! Join Hyattsville’s Tired Parents on Sunday, Dec. 15, 4:00-5:30 at Art Works Now for a FREE family event with art activities, snacks and conversation on preventing gun violence.

Talk About Gun Safety
The activity will include a chat for kids and adults with Hyattsville City Police Department on gun safety, followed by an art activity for kids by Art Works Now staff while adults gather separately for conversation on asking about guns in the homes of families and friends where their children visit.
Please note – children of all ages are welcome, but the content is best suited to kindergarten and older.
Art Works Now is located at 4800 Rhode Island Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20781.
RSVP at the following link: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/home-for-the-holidays- asking-about-guns-in-homes- tickets-84533210107
[…] Parents. Art activity & snacks. Little ones welcome, but might be best for kindergartners+ Read here When: 4-5:30pm Where: ArtWorks Now, Hyattsville Cost: Free!, rsvp […]