Here at Route One Fun, we’ve been posting daily Grocery Store Updates to our Facebook and Instagram pages. With these posts, followers comment with what they see or don’t see at any of our local grocery stores. For instance, yesterday, Drena let us know that Safeway in Hyattsville was well-stocked while Lisa P commented that if it’s toilet paper you want, forget about going to Aldi in Hyattsville.
In addition to helping us be more efficient with our time, these posts are critical to helping us all reduce our exposure to coronavirus vectors (read: other humans).
We realize, though, that not everyone is on social media. To make sure that as many folks have access to this community knowledge-drop, we’ll be doing daily Grocery Store posts on the website, here. I’ll cross-post as best I can with comments that are posted to our social media platforms. As for what you can do – please share this post so that folks know that there’s a resource like this for all to use and share / collect information.
Thank you, all, for your support. And please, let’s do all we can to help each other during these times. ❤
More COVID-19 Resources
Here’s a way you can help our local baristas, bartenders, servers who are out of work right now: SoHy Co-op Virtual Tip Jar.
Also, please know that these stores provide seniors-only and immunocompromised-only shopping hours.
Also, here’s a list of local businesses providing alcohol-delivery and curbside pickup near the Route 1 corridor.
@franklinsbrewery has candy-scented keychain hand sanitizers (as of noon today).
Alice H shares: Around 1pm “Lanham Costco is out of chicken, ramen, TP, wipes and paper towels. Some items have purchase limits (ie. 1 bag of rice). Mom’s meat cases are pretty empty. Other items seem to be well stocked.”
Christina shares: “Lidl in College Park not too long ago. Store was pretty empty, plenty of fresh produce, and they’ve restocked on dry goods (cereals, pasta etc.) No TP of course and limiting water bottle packs to two per customer. Plenty of healthy social distancing taking place.”
Iona T shares: “Aldis has meat a small supply of paper towels milk eggs produce not many people.”
Stefanie H shares: “At 6:15 am 3/24, Giant had bread, milk, meats and frozen veggies. They did not have eggs or paper towels and toilet paper. Went to Yes Organic yesterday morning and got eggs, milk, and a loaf of bread, but they were really low. “
Leah W shares:: “ Went to Safeway on E-W Hwy at 7am today. Very good bread supply, zero paper towels and toilet paper, but some kleenex. Had some things I use that Giant did not have, such as liquid egg whites. Better inventory of kitty litter, specifically Arm and Hammer. No store brand fresh boneless skinless chicken breasts, no gallon size skim milk. BTW, went to Target yesterday at 8am and got a pack of 6 rolls of tp (limit one multipack per customer), which would probably be gone within an hour. Bestway has a decent supply of single, wrapped tp. Got skim milk at Aldi.”
Crosspost: Krista A. shares: ” Safeway on E/W @ 7:15am on 3/24 — no paper goods, cleaning supplies or cow’s milk. Not much chicken — but steak and pork. Low on bread but had some. Low on pasta. Fruit and veggies fresh and frozen in ok supply. Other aisles basically normal.”
Meant to also mention that sent husband with a tip for the grocery store staff that was accepted with a “God bless you and thank you” … while we are hunkered down in our house with a refreshed supply they are out there interacting with hundreds of people daily.
That was very sweet of you and your family, Krista! And thank you for sharing the idea. We’ll follow suit as I’m sure/hope others will, too. 🙂
From Nancy H: “Takoma Park-Silver Spring Co-op just announced that they are closing for the rest of the week and opening sometime over the weekend with online order and pickup only.”
Glut Food Co-op in Mount Rainier tagged us in some pics of their stock for today. Plenty of fresh produce! Support local as best we can, folks! 🙂