Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Usually, there would be a ton of fun, local events for us all to check out. While that’s not the case this year, there are still plenty of ways that we can celebrate this day and continue to do what we can to protect our beautiful planet. This day. Every day. We invite you all to “plog” along today and share your #route1trashtag pics with us! More on these fun activities, below.

Everyone can pick up a little trash here and there!
Earth Day 2020
For Earth Day this year, we plan to do some plogging (or at least a variation of it). What’s plogging you ask? Well, the term originated in Sweden and is a mash-up of jogging and the Swedish “plocka upp,” translating to “pick up.”
The husband started doing this on our family walks – now more frequent since the coronavirus came to town. Before we head out, he’ll pack two plastic bags and (now) a pair of plastic dish-washing gloves. The former holds the trash, obvs, while the latter helps with picking up the goods.
Up to now, the kids haven’t been involved as they’re usually off attempting to skip stones or crying about how their legs hurt from .2 miles of walking – but we’re going to add them to this kid and family-friendly version of plogging, special for Earth Day!
Get Outside & Plogg Along Route 1!
As you may have noticed, our waterways, creeks and local trails are looking pretty bad, filled with plastic water bottles, random car parts and a few unmentionables. Today’s a perfect day to step outside and practice all that Earth-friendly jargon you preach.

Trail around University Hill’s Duck Pond is lovely, not crowded at all, and could use some trash-pick-up love!
It’s pretty simple to do. Just step outside with a plastic bag (a couple if you’re feeling especially motivated), plastic gloves and start picking up trash you see any/everywhere. You’ll bring the garbage back home with you and set it in your own garbage pail for pickup. (Please don’t dispose of trash in public garbage cans as many are not being emptied as frequently and we don’t want to add to any existing problems.)
#Route1TrashTag – Share Your Pics!
Tag of pic of you/yours picking up some trash this week and we’ll share it with fellow Route One Fun readers! Seeing your fresh face(s) will surely inspire others to similarly help out this lovely area and planet of ours!
More Fun Earth Day Activities
- Go on a Nature Walk
- Start a Compost Bin
- Hang Laundry on a Clothes Line
Got more ideas? Share them in the comments below and we’ll update this post ASAP!
More Route 1 COVID-19 Resources
- Family Wellness Tips from Hyattsville’s Dr. Qadira Huff.
- These Route 1 Small Businesses sell homemade face masks!
- Don’t forget – these local grocery stores offer special shopping hours for our older friends and those with compromised immune systems.
- And these local pharmacies now offer free 1-2 day delivery of your prescription medications.
- Fun, FREE kids activities? Mandy’s bursting with ideas here.
- One-Stop Shop guide to educational resources during these times? UMD’s COViD-19 Family Resource Guide is very helpful.
- Need some sunshine today? Check out the latest Furry Friends of Route 1 – featuring University Park’s Ollie and Masha.
- Need a break from coronavirus info? Read up on Lakeland, the Historic African American Community of College Park.
- Here’s a list of local businesses providing alcohol-delivery and curbside pickup near the Route 1 corridor.
- Thought it was too late to get a library card? No worries! You can get a PGCMLS Virtual Library card today! Audiobooks, music, movies galore!
- Here’s a way you can help our local baristas, bartenders, servers who are out of work right now: SoHy Co-op Virtual Tip Jar.
If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends and neighbors.
[…] Bring a plastic bag with you and perhaps plogg along the way! More on our Earth Day Plogging fun here. […]