Did you know that we have a nature center in Mount Rainier, Maryland? Tis true! Mount Rainier Nature/Recreation Center is a FREE, kid-friendly, pint-sized nature center full of lizards, turtles, fish and other six-legged-creatures-who-shall-remain-nameless, hands-on exhibits ad educational displays for all to explore!
FREE, STEM-inspired Fun at Laurel’s Diven’s Den!
Explored Diven’s Den with the little preschooler last week. What is “Diven’s Den” might you ask? Well, curious reader, Diven’s Den is a fun, STEM-inspired playroom located in the basement of the Laurel Historical Society, filled with crafts and activities designed to teach kids a bit about the history of Laurel. Before I get into the fun we had there, know that it’s best for ages 2+; they’ll spend about an hour exploring and it’s FREE!
Open Gym (& Amazing Foam Pit!) at PG Sports & Learning Complex
If you haven’t checked out Prince George’s County Sports and Learning Complex in Landover yet with your energetic 1-12 year old(s), then let this winter be the season you do so! This place is HUGE and heir “gymnastics workshops,” i.e. open gym, is a time when kiddos can run around and try their acrobatic skills on equipment usually reserved for budding / training gymnasts – for the most part. They can jump, swing and bounce along to their hearts’ content, just like these kiddos below!
The Board and Brew: Delish Coffee & Board Game Fun in College Park
Sometimes, you just want to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee while challenging your first born to a vicious game of Stratego, know what I mean? While we could do this at home, it’s more fun to do it at The Board and Brew in College Park because (1) their coffee way more delish than my attempts; (2) it gets us out of the house; and (3) their board game library is way more extensive than our piddling collection. Like, 500+ games more extensive!!!
Dinosaurs, Books & Fun at the Laurel Library’s Children’s Room
Highly recommend checking out the Laurel Library if you have not done so since its reopening almost a year ago. Why? Because its children’s room is OFF THE CHAIN and a visit will give you a sneak peek into what the forthcoming renovated Hyattsville Library will look like as its renovations are being done by […]
Toddler Time at Hyattsville’s Art Works Now!
Took my lil lady to check out Toddler Time at Art Works Now’s new location in Hyattsville earlier this month! We were at their first official program at their new place. Who else can say that, other than everyone else in the class?!?