Riverdale Park Station kicks off its summer concert series, Forklift First Friday in Edmonston includes a clothing Swap-O-Rama, Treasures in the Attic appraised in Laurel, festival fun at Brentwood Day, Decorate a t-shirt for Pride in Hyattsville, Pops Extravaganza in College Park, Mutt Strutt in University Park & more, all in this delectably local Guide!
Monumental Truths, Monumental Lies: Remembering and Forgetting African American History Through World War I Monuments
Dr. Dennis Doster of the M-NCPPC Black History Program will examine monuments to the “Great War” both at home and abroad to show how they both uncover and obscure elements of the African American experience.
When: 7pm
Where: Pyramid Atlantic, Hyattsville
Cost: Free!
Greenbelt Astronomy Meeting – Speaker Dr. Dean Pesnell
Join this meeting of the Astronomical Society of Greenbelt as Dr. Dean Pesnell, Project Scientist for the Solar Dynamics Observatory, discusses how studying the Sun informs our knowledge of the stars.
When: 7:30pm
Where: Owens Science Center, 9601 Greenbelt Rd, Lanham
Cost: Free!
Open Mic
Audiences can expect a diverse chorus of voices and a vast array of professional spoken word performers, open mic rookies, musicians and more!
When: 9-11pm
Where: Busboys & Poets, Hyattsville
Cost: $5
Come join us as we kick off our Summer Concert Series with local and talented musician Brad Doggett. When: 6-8pm (weather permitting)
Where: Bear Square inside Riverdale Park Station, Riverdale Park
Cost: Free!
Forklift First Fridays (& Clothing Swap-O-Rama!)
Live music, tasty craft beer (& wine), good food truck eats, local art, kids activities and your chance to explore the potential of CF’s goods for sale! Kid + dog-friendly! Read my review of Community Forklift’s First Fridays here!
When: 6-8pm
Where: Community Forklift, 4671 Tanglewood Drive, Edmonston
Cost: Free! ($5 to participate in clothing swap – details here)
College Park Outdoor Performance Series – Transatlantic Crossing
Enjoy fiddle tunes from both side of the Atlantic!
When: 6-7pm
Where: Little Tavern Park, 7413 Baltimore Ave, College Park
Cost: Free!
Washington Rowing School is having their annual free learn to row clinic in honor of National Learn to Row Day.
When: 8-11am
Where: Bladensburg Waterfront Park, 4601 Annapolis Rd, Bladensburg
Cost: Free!
Adult & kids’ clothing, costumes, jewelry, household items, small appliances, computer equipment & furniture, Toys and sports equipment for sale, Silent auction , Cafe and Grill (featuring strawberry shortcake!), KIDS’ Games and Train Rides for Tots, Quarts and flats of just-picked local strawberries for sale. Plant Sale
Join this introductory talk providing a broad overview of permaculture, its history, relevance and approaches. This class will offer some fresh perspectives and touch on some of the details as to how we may apply this design science in a suburban/rural context.
When: 10am-12pm
Where: Community Forklift, 4671 Tanglewood Dr, Edmonston
Cost: Free!
National Trails Day
Participate in a nation-wide workday to connect more people to their community by maintaining and improving existing trails. Bring a reusable water bottle, wear weather appropriate clothes.
When: 10am-12pm
Where: Schrom Hills Park, 6915 Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt
Cost: Free!
Join us as we celebrate 96 years of community! Featuring vendors, food, volleyball and ping pong games, hula hoops, roller skating, DJ music and live performances featuring Sudden M Pac and more!
When: 11am-5pm
Where: Bartlett Park, 4300 39th Place, Brentwood
Cost: Free!
Commit to be Fit
Join WPGC and Rhode Island Row in this health, fitness and wellness expo. Focus on healthy foods, free fitness classes, health screenings, kids corner, giveaways and more!
When: 12-4pm
Where: Rhode Island Row, 2300 Washington Place NE
Cost: Free!
Treasures in the Attic – Appraisal Day!
Is there a fortune in your attic? Maybe you have a thrift shop or garage sale find that you hope could be worth a lot of money? Then bring it/them to this event by the Laurel Historical Society, where nationally known antiques and art appraiser Todd Peenstra will be on hand to share his expertise!
When: Item check-in at 12pm, Appraisals begin at 1pm
Where: Cabana Room, 14403 Greenview Drive, Laurel (next to Patuxent Greens)
Cost: $5/item for LHS members; $10 for non-members
Barre in Magruder Park!
Join this barre class led by certified barre instructor Amanda Rooney, a mom of two under two, who fell in love with barre as a way to strengthen herself after back to back pregnancies! Bring a yoga mat and RSVP if you can to arooney7514@gmail.com so that she can get a sense of numbers!
When: 2:30pm
Where: Magruder Park, Hyattsville (by the tennis courts)
Cost: Donation (Pay what you can!)
Decorate a Shirt for Pride!
Afraid your clothes aren’t gay enough? Do you ever worry that you might look too straight? Ever wanted to put ‘YASSS’ and rainbows all over your clothes? Then this event is for you! Come to our t-shirt decorating event to prepare for DC Pride! Bring your own t-shirt, shorts …cape? Whatever! Make sure it’s at least 80% natural fiber such as cotton, silk or linen, preferably light-colored. We’ll have some stencils and Marabu Fashion Spray Paint to play with. If you don’t have a t-shirt of your own, we have a few white t’s for sale in the store, as well as some plain canvas totes.
When: 3-5pm
Where: Artist & Craftsman Supply Hyattsville, 4902 43rd Ave
Cost: Free!
CANCELED 2018 Hyattsville International FestivalWhen: 5-9pmWhere: Heurich Park, 2800 Nicholson Street, HyattsvilleCost: Free!
Pops Extravaganza, Bernstein at 100
National Orchestral Institute Philharmonic pays homage to the great American composer and conductor as part of Leonard Bernstein at 100!
When: 8pm
Where: UMD’s The Clarice, Dekelboum Concert Hall, College Park
Terry and the Zydeco Badboys
The 108 Music Series presents Terry and the Zydeco Bad Boys from Duson, LA!
When: 8-11pm (doors at 6:30pm)
Where: Cheverly American Legion Post 108, 3608 Legion Dr., Cheverly
Cost: $20 here or $25 at door
Mutt Strutt 2018
What could be more fun than a bunch of dogs and their people taking a leisurely walk through town? Your $5/person registration gets you a beautiful 2018 Mutt Strutt t-shirt with a matching bandana for your mutt! Music, prizes and more! Register now!
When: 9-10am
Where: University Park
Cost: $5
College Park Chorale – College Park Chamber Singers
Come to the UMD chapel to hear your neighbors sing beautiful, uplifting songs about light!
When: 4pm
Where: Memorial Chapel, UMD
Cost: $10 suggested donation
Community Yoga
An informal group led by neighborhood instructors. Bring a mat – all levels, including those new to yoga are welcome. Questions? Email: rlgitter@gmail.com
When: 5-6pm
Where: Magruder Park, Hyattsville
Cost: Free!
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